Our Legislation Database gives you access to over 800 pieces of legislation. You can build a Legal Register in minutes using our unique Register Builder tool. You will receive an email alert to inform you of any new or changed to legislation.
If you’re looking for a Legal Register and Update Service you have come to the right place!
The annual cost of the Legal Register and Update Service is £650/year + VAT. This provide up to five users and five registers, if you require more than five users please subscribe to the unlimited service. Register for a free trial, no payment required?
The isoregs Legal Register Builder feature will take you through a process of selecting applicable legislation and building a register. You can then review and add or delete items until you have a register that satisfies your needs. We keep you up to date with new and changed legislation through our update system which sends and alert directly to your email address. You can then review its applicability and either add it to your Register or simply reject it. All updates at logged on your dashboard for future reference and review.
There is a section in the system for recording your compliance evidence, which has the functionality to set a future review date. This is ideal for ISO14001, ISO45001 and ISO27001 compliance. The basic annual subscription allows you to build five separate registers and allows access to five users. You can sign up to a 7 days no obligation trial by visiting www.isoregs.co.uk. There is no credit card required for the trial.
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Providing simple and effective management system solutions to organisations wishing to achieve 3rd party certification to an ISO standard.